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There are many people for whom bananas are a 'must' for breakfast, no matter what else they have. Especially in winter. Bananas are very beneficial.

Firstly, bananas keep the stomach full for a long time. Secondly, many people suffer from constipation due to less water consumption in winter. Banana cures it.

Moreover, bananas contain adequate amounts of potassium. It also helps in managing high blood pressure. Apart from this, this fruit rich in calcium, magnesium, fiber and various vitamins helps to fill the deficiency of various elements in the body.

Let's take a look at the benefits of bananas:

1) Bananas are full of fiber. As a result, it can cure digestive problems. This fruit helps to increase the amount of good bacteria in the intestines.

2) The combination of potassium and calcium prevents diseases like osteoporosis. Increases bone strength. Bananas also help maintain flexibility in joints.

3) If you feel very tired, you can eat banana immediately without taking 'Ernazi drink'. Various minerals present in banana provide nutrients to the body. If the gray winter afternoon brings you boredom, you can eat a banana right away.

4. Bananas are an essential fruit for those who exercise regularly and are involved in sports or sports. When we exercise or do any sport, our body produces a lot of sweat or secretions. As a result, small amounts of electrolytes or minerals are excreted from our body through sweat. Bananas boast a high mineral content, including calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and more. 

5. Those who are overweight are also advised to eat bananas. Bananas have more calories than other fruits. 
6. A protein called lectin is found in bananas. This lectin has the ability to prevent the growth of cancer-causing cells like leukemia. 

However, many people think that bananas cannot be eaten if you have a cold. Nutritionists say that banana is a 'cold' variety of fruits. So this fruit can weaken the immune system of the body. So, those who have cold, cough, cold, sinus, asthma problems should not eat banana after sunset.

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