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Russian Man Rescued After 67 Days Adrift in Sea of Okhotsk

Officials say the man’s name is Mikhail Pichugin, and he is 46 years old.


A man from Russia was saved after spending more than two months lost in the Sea of Okhotsk. He was in a small inflatable boat that had no engine. Sadly, his brother and nephew died during their journey.

On Monday, a fishing boat found the man near the Kamchatka Peninsula. Officials say the man’s name is Mikhail Pichugin, and he is 46 years old. He went on a trip with his brother, who is 49, and his nephew, who is only 15. They set out in early August to see whales in the Sea of Okhotsk.

The three men left to return to Sakhalin Island on August 9, but they never arrived. When they went missing, a rescue team searched for them but could not find them.

During their journey, Pichugin and his family had a small amount of food and about 5.2 gallons of water. When their boat's engine failed, they became stuck at sea. Pichugin lost half of his body weight and weighed only about 110 pounds when rescuers found him.

The fishing crew spotted Pichugin's boat on their radar. At first, they thought it was just a buoy or something floating in the water. They turned on a spotlight to look closer and were shocked to see Pichugin in the boat.

When the crew reached him, Pichugin was in bad shape. He was very thin and weak. A video from the rescue shows him wearing a life jacket and shouting for help. He said, “I have no strength left,” as the crew worked to pull him back to safety.

Alexei Arykov, the owner of the fishing boat that rescued him, said Pichugin was “in a serious condition, thin, but conscious.” They took him to the port city of Magadan, where he was carried off the boat on a stretcher.

Pichugin’s wife, Yekaterina, expressed her relief and said, “It’s a kind of miracle.” She noted that the three men had only packed enough food and water for two weeks.

The situation is very sad. Pichugin's brother and nephew were found dead in the boat when he was rescued. The local prosecutor’s office has started an investigation into what happened. They are looking into whether safety rules were broken, which could have led to the deaths.

Experts are also remembering a similar story from 1960. Four Soviet soldiers survived 49 days at sea on a small boat before being found by a U.S. aircraft carrier. This history of survival shows how incredible it is to endure such tough conditions.

The Sea of Okhotsk is known for its cold temperatures and strong winds. This makes survival really hard. Pichugin's story shows the dangers of being lost at sea. His experience reminds us of the importance of safety when going out on the water.

In a similar incident last year, an Australian sailor named Tim Shaddock and his dog Bella spent over two months lost at sea. They were sailing from Mexico to French Polynesia when rough seas damaged their boat. Like Pichugin, they faced many challenges while lost at sea.

As Pichugin recovers, many will think about his brother and nephew. Their loss is a tragedy, and many hope that lessons can be learned from this incident to help prevent future tragedies at sea.


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