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Tragedy struck in Chrząstowice, Opole, as a heat pump exploded in a house, killing two and injuring three. Emergency teams, including air ambulances, are on the scene.

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On Tuesday afternoon, a strong explosion hit a house in Chrząstowice, near Opole. The blast happened around 3 p.m. during routine maintenance on a heat pump. It occurred on Olimpijczyk Street and led to a tragic outcome.

Junior Brigadier Tomasz Pierzchała from the Opole Fire Department said the explosion was severe. Two people died, and three others were injured. One person with minor injuries went to the hospital, while the other two received help on-site.

Emergency services responded quickly. An Air Ambulance helicopter landed, and eight fire brigades, medical teams, and police worked at the scene. The building had only minor damage despite the strong blast.

The Opole fire department is investigating what caused the accident. What was supposed to be routine maintenance turned into a disaster. Emergency teams have controlled the situation, but the community is deeply affected.

This tragic event highlights the risks of heat pump maintenance and the need for safety. The people of Chrząstowice are grieving as authorities look into what went wrong.



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