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India is going to launch new strategic bases in important islands near Maldives. The country's navy said it was strengthening its forces on the islands.

Meanwhile, Maldives has taken the initiative to send back the Indian forces. Just before that, India announced the opening of a new base.

Relations between India and the Maldives have been strained since pro-Chinese President Mohammad Muijju won elections last year promising to remove Indian forces. The Indian Navy said in a statement on Saturday night that India is concerned about the continued increase in Chinese presence in the Maldives. The new base will strengthen India's active surveillance in the area.

President Muijju has ordered the withdrawal of 89 Indian troops stationed in Maldives. Its first batch will leave Maldives by March 10. And the rest must leave within two months. According to a Navy statement, the new base will open on March 6 at Lakshadweep. As a result, the existing small detached force would become an 'independent naval unit'.

The Indian Navy's statement said that the new base at Lakshadweep, India will be operational on March 6.

India's Lakshadweep is about 130 km north of Maldives. India's new naval base at Minicoy Island is also located nearby. Indian Navy already has a base at Kavaratti in Lakshadweep. However, the new base will be about 258 km closer to Maldives.

"Minikoy is the southernmost island of Lakshadweep which lies along an important line of sea communication," the Navy said. The base will be used in anti-piracy and anti-narcotics operations. The new base is also part of a policy to boost security infrastructure in 'strategically important' islands.

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