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A luxury yacht sank off Sicily, killing one person. Six others are missing. Italian authorities rescued 15 people after strong winds and a waterspout caused the accident.

A luxury yacht carrying 22 people sank off the Sicilian coast, leading to a tragic event. One person died, and six others are still missing, according to Italian authorities. The 50-meter yacht, named "Bajesian," was sailing early Monday when strong winds and a waterspout hit, causing the boat to capsize around 5 a.m.

Italy’s coastguard and firefighters saved 15 people from the wreckage. Sadly, one body was found 50 meters underwater inside the sunken yacht. The victim is thought to be a man. The missing people include British, American, and Canadian citizens.

A one-year-old child was among those saved. Eight of the rescued people were taken to the hospital but are in stable condition. The group included tourists and crew members. According to National Geographic, a waterspout is like a small tornado over water and likely formed due to recent storms and heavy rain in Italy. These weather problems have already caused floods and landslides in the north.

Fisherman Pietro Asciutto, a witness, shared his experience with the ANSA news agency. "I was at home when the tornado hit. I saw the yacht, a big one with just one mast, suddenly sink," he said. Another witness described how a normal vacation day turned into a tragedy.

The yacht, flying a British flag, was built in 2008 by Italian shipbuilders Perini Navi. It had set sail from Porticello on Sunday evening. Helicopters and divers are still searching the area for the missing people. British officials are in contact with local authorities and are offering help to their citizens involved in this tragic event.


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