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Caroline Giuliani, Rudy Giuliani’s daughter, endorses Kamala Harris. She criticizes Trump’s influence on her father and the country in an article for Vanity Fair.

Caroline Rose Giuliani, daughter of Rudy Giuliani, has publicly endorsed Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee. In a powerful article published in Vanity Fair, Caroline expressed her concerns over Donald Trump’s continued influence in politics. 

She also shared her grief over her father’s involvement with the former president, which she believes has harmed both their relationship and the country.

Caroline wrote in her essay that she has been mourning the loss of her father to Trump’s circle. “I’ve been grieving the loss of my dad to Trump. I cannot bear to lose our country to him too,” she said.

Criticism of Rudy Giuliani’s Role in Trump’s Campaign

Rudy Giuliani, once a beloved mayor of New York City, gained national fame for his leadership during the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. However, his reputation took a severe hit when he aligned himself with Trump. 

He became Trump’s personal lawyer and played a key role in efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Recently, Rudy Giuliani was disbarred from practicing law in Washington DC for his role in spreading lies about the election results.

Caroline expressed her sorrow in watching her father’s downfall. “Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America,” she wrote.

Giuliani’s Support for Kamala Harris

In her article, Caroline outlined her reasons for supporting Kamala Harris. She praised Harris for her strong stance on reproductive rights, as well as her policies on the economy, the environment, and foreign affairs. 

“We need experienced, sane, and fundamentally decent leaders who will fight for us instead of against us, who will safeguard our democracy rather than dismantle it,” she explained.

Caroline also shared her personal reasons for getting involved in this election. As a 35-year-old woman recently engaged to be married, she feels the weight of the decisions being made for the future. 

She hopes to one day have children, but only in a world where she feels safe and hopeful about their future. For this reason, she believes it’s essential to support leaders like Harris who will protect democracy.

Caroline’s relationship with her father has been complex. She described it as “cartoonishly complicated,” acknowledging his faults but also expressing her love for him. “Despite his faults, I love him,” she wrote. 

“I’ve seen him experience surreal heights, and, now, unfathomable lows. The last thing I want to do is hurt him, especially when he’s already down.”

She also recounted a time when she tried to stop her father from becoming Trump’s lawyer. At a cigar bar in New York City, Caroline tearfully pleaded with Rudy to reconsider his decision. 

She spent hours trying to convince him not to align himself with Trump, but her efforts were in vain. Looking back, she feels sorrow over watching her father become trapped in what she calls “the quicksand of his problems.”

Caroline’s article also served as a warning to Americans about the dangers of allowing Trump to return to power. 

She explained that many of the people close to Trump, like her father, have experienced significant personal and professional downfall. She fears that if Trump wins another term, the country will suffer even more damage.

In her emotional conclusion, Caroline reflected on her grief over losing her father to Trump’s influence. “After months of feeling the type of sorrow that comes from the death of a loved one, it dawned on me that I’ve been grieving the loss of my dad to Trump. I cannot bear to lose our country to him too.”


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